Laugh it off

You are way too scared to do anything about it, so you let it happen. When the elevator stops you laugh and slowly get away. The man is called Jace and is a total asshole, but he is your senior and seems to be pretty close to your manager. Jace seems to take this incident as an invitation to harras you more. He likes to touch you whenever he can. He makes pictures, sometimes sneaky and sometimes not sneaky at all of your boops and ass. And he spills drinks and food all over you on purpose to then use it as an excuse to touch you. You always laugh it off though and let it go. At some point Jace comes up to you and asks if you´re coming to the office party that friday night. Jace smiles mischievously which makes you a little worried. Should you just go or should you maybe make up an excuse to skip?

Go to the party

Make up an excuse